MiniSoap is a free application used to generically input, invoke, and return results from a SOAP XML web service request. A URL for a Web Service Definition Language (WSDL) location is entered to retrieve the XML tags and methods defined for the web service. The desired method can then be selected from a drop down box and the input data required for the web service can be entered. A Send button is used to invoke the SOAP request and display the XML tags and data returned from the web service call.
Key Features:
- Add a new SOAP web service using an existing WSDL
- Save SOAP web service XML tags and data for future selection
- XML tags returned from the web service are selectively displayed on the response screen
- Sample requests can be created to get started
- An XML trace option can be used to display the raw SOAP XML text streams
- Modify and delete USB storage to save SOAP requests
- Full network access required to send SOAP requests
- No ads are displayed by this app
- Android 4.0.2 and above